Having known many self-harmers and being one myself, I thought it would be an idea to set up a page offering support, help and information. It won't be very hi-tech, as I'm skint and web dopey, but on the pictures, there will be links in the form of a diary offering help and support. There is also a message board on the homepage. Also, please send me in anything you like, including questions, suggestions and anything you like about your self harm you'd like to share.
Self Harm- A Hidden Epidemic
Self harm is the intentional infliction of pain onto your body, be it through cutting, bruising, burning, hair pulling etc. It is used as a method of controlling/alleviating emotional suffering by transferring emotional pain to physical, which is easier to cope with. It also helps us to feel "real" when we feel sad or detached from reality, also the opposite effect of feeling detached from a situation that fuels emotional overload. There are many reasons. Self harm is often misinterpreted as attention seeking, suicide attempts or markings of a violent personality. 99% of the time is this completely inaccurate.Most harmers are ashamed of their scars, and keep them hidden. Self harm is a reflex we use to stay alive, not to die, and if we were violent people, we would hit someone else. Most self-harmers treat their condition flippantly(as I normally would) and make a joke out of it, whereas some treat it seriously. I prefer making jokes, as if no-one else will treat us with grace and humour, we may as well do it!!! We are not belittling the seriousness of it, we just don't want to be tarred with the "Tortured and Mad" brush. So please, non-harmers, don't ask questions like, "Oh my god, are you a sick freak or what?!?!" It doesn't help.
An Inward Scream- Get Support
The decision is yours to stop. I have all but stopped, after many years of severe self-mutilation, and I will help and support anyone who wants to stop. It is difficult, and it is hard to find alternatives that are less damaging to yourself and your family/friends. If you harm in secret and need to tell someone, you can also contact me and I will try to advise you on this. Just please know that you are not alone.Stopping self-harm is as hard as giving up drink or drugs. It is addictive. I have stopped, for the moment, but I still obsess about it and have strong impulses to do it. But I have found other ways to cope. Look in the link pages to find help on this. Click the images to get the links.
From here we go...
Anywhere you want. As we all know psycharitrists have a terrible habit of being patronising bastards, which is why I suggest counselling. It helps, honest! The cause of self-harm will not go away, but taking away something that is so damaging to your self esteem will help. Stopping self-harm also eradicates the guilt and shame of discovery and hiding, which always makes you feel so much worse. A tip for trying to stop self-harm-wear your sleeves down as wearing them up might trigger more damage. Take each day as it comes. If you lash out one night, don't think there's no point in trying to stop now, just forgive yourself and try again. In the links page there are useful links about self harm and below is a message board for you to chat. Discuss anything you want.
My Corkboard